April 28: Seasons

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He makes us wait. He keeps us on purpose in the dark.  

He makes us walk when we want to run, sit still when we want to walk, 

for he has things to do in our souls that we are not interested in.  

(Elisabeth Elliott; 1926-2015; 

Missionary, American Christian author and speaker)

We are in a Season! A Season of change, of storms, a wandering in the wilderness, a Season in which we need a Shelter. Good thing we have one. Yes, the Lord is our “Shelter in Peace.”

Our dear Lord has left us a map, as He always does, to guide us through this time. You are never lost; remember, Luke 15:4-6—The Lord will leave the 99 sheep and go after that one who has gone astray. Verses 5-6 say, “And when He finds it, He joyfully puts it on His shoulders…and goes home.” He sees you. He adores you. He is for you. He will not lose track of you. He knows what is ahead of you. Nothing is unexpected to our Lord.  

Sometimes I need to remind myself when I have been praying about something, especially if I feel afraid, that I don’t need to give God hints about what has happened, nor does He need my suggestions on how to best help me. I don’t need to remind Him of things He may not know! He knows; He already has the solution. He is prepared for all Seasons. The map He has given us is His word. The Lord, our companion and the Holy Spirit, our compass! Lean into him. He has prepared for us specific verses He knew that we would need before time began.  

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us of the Seasons in our lives:

There is a time for everything, 

and a Season for every activity under heaven. 

A time to plant and a time to uproot. 

A time to weep, a time to laugh, 

a time to mourn and a time to dance.

A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-5


He always knows what each Season holds! God alone is in control. He alone created the heavens and earth. He has provided for every Season we find ourselves in. He is our peace. He is our shelter. He is our help.

We may feel a bit lost in this Season, but we are surely not. God has us in His right hand. Does it seem dark? Picture His hand wrapped around you; that darkness is the inside of God’s sheltering hand. And He will bring about a new Season out of this storm. “See I am doing a new thing, now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:19). 

Over these weeks, we have been trying to make sense of it all, trying to master the unknown, even while we know we cannot. Perhaps this is true for you as it is for me. I find myself worn out with the tedium of the sameness of each day while I am also tense over the daily changes. How is that possible? We are surely in quite a Season! But here’s the good news. Our heavenly Father has designed all of earth and mankind to exist in Seasons. Each Season moves at the pace and in the timing of the Creator. He has planned each day for each one of us. He knows intimately our fears and invites us to lay them at the feet of His Son, Jesus Christ. Leave them with Him and take His hand. This season will end and a new one is just around the corner.

Until then, my friends, Shelter in HIS peace. His arms are open wide. His plans for you are good. Nothing man does will thwart the Master’s plans. He promises us that though we may not know what the next day, or week, or Season holds, he holds us.


Often as we look back in our rear view mirror over the Seasons in our journeys of faith, we find the pearls that God has left us during times of sorrow or worry. He is doing that now. Look for them. God expects us to lean on Him during a change of Season. Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” That is not to say that everything “feels” good but that everything is for our good if we let Him have His way in our lives. 

God is not a God of chaos but a God of purpose and goodness. Let Him pour into you His provision during this Season of change. All of life is change; God is the only One who is  unchanging. Yet, His mercies are new everyday! (Lamentations 3:22-23). He will be faithful to lead us out of the storm. So let us draw out from this Season the treasures He is offering us.  They may be hard to see right now, but they are brilliant!

Heavenly Father,

You are marvelous and merciful, our healer and helper. 

You know our hearts. You know how fragile we sometimes feel. 

You hear our spoken prayers and our silent pleas. You are able to and 

willing to cover us in your peace and fill us with your strength. 

I ask you, Father, to do just that for the one right now who is fearful. 

Remind us all of your unfailing love and your promise of provision 

in all of the ways we have need. We thank you for all you have done 

and for all you will do. May all we do now and forever 

bring glory to you, Father.


Shelter in Peace,

Roni Fiala

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