May 14: The King of Glory and of Grace

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Before the throne of God above

I have a strong and perfect plea

A great High Priest whose name is love

Who ever lives and pleads for me

My name is graven on His hands

My name is written on His heart

I know that while in heav'n He stands

No tongue can bid me thence depart

When Satan tempts me to despair

And tells me of the guilt within

Upward I look and see Him there

Who made an end of all my sin

Because the sinless Saviour died

My sinful soul is counted free

For God the Just is satisfied

To look on Him and pardon me

Behold Him there, the risen Lamb

My perfect, spotless Righteousness

The great unchangeable I AM

The King of glory and of grace

One with Himself, I cannot die

My soul is purchased by His blood

My life is hid with Christ on high

With Christ my Saviour and my God


My husband and I were singing this together last week for a bit of family praise time. I didn't think much of the lyrics until later on in the week, but so far this week I've been reminded of this song and its lyrics three times, all under very different circumstances. So perhaps God is trying to tell me something here...


I feel that I am very privileged: even during this time, my husband has a job that continues to pay him so we are not hurting financially, and I'm coming to realize I am one of the (fewer?) lucky ones who have found rest, restoration, peace, and joy in quarantine. I've been able to get back into hobbies that I'd previously dropped in lieu of career and social development, to get back to a regular devotional schedule, to take better care of my health, and finally "find time" to reconnect with old friends. Perhaps, then, it's even more important to be reminded that all my comforts are not what matters in the grand scheme of things. If, in my gratitude for being blessed by all these things, I lose sight of the One who blesses me, then I have lost everything. Just like the Church in Laodicea in Revelation 3, I have acquired wealth. But thanks be to God, for He reminds me that I need so much more and so much less at the same time—I need Him, and Him alone.


I didn't pay attention to the lyrics before, shame on me, but I am paying attention now... and remembering that no matter what, it is always a good time to come before the throne of God above and worship Him. It's always a good time to bring our struggles, our desires, our darkness, sins and despair to the feet of Jesus—and remember just how good our God is. And on the reverse side, it's always a good time to recall our joys, our comforts, our peace and our wealth—and not only remember from Whom they came, but also for Whom they should be used to glorify, and in Whom we should ultimately place our hope.

No matter what, we who are trusting in Jesus to have a great hope: that the sinless Great High Priest has indeed died for our sins and saved us from the wrath of God that was rightly due to us, and He is alive today! He is risen, death is defeated, and He lavishes grace upon grace over us by granting us eternal life and, one day, eternal glory with Him.

This life is not all that we have. In this life, may we be growing in spiritual maturity, ever more conformed to the image of Christ, to live out a life that glorifies Him. And through it all, may we not falter in our hope of eternity with Him, not forgetting that one day we will stand before the throne of God in Heaven, in the New Jerusalem, where we will reign with Christ. There will be no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain, no more death. No COVID-19s, no need for vaccinations… all things will be made new. This is what we hope in, and we can be sure our hope will not be in vain because Jesus' sinless life, death, and resurrection has proven His authority as God to bring all these things to pass and that His promises will never fail.

Our hope is in Jesus, not in this world. So let us not grow faint or weary, or fearful, but let us cast our anxieties onto Him who grants everlasting peace. Let us also not grow too comfortable in the riches that we have acquired for ourselves, knowing that in a moment they can all be destroyed. And now, more than ever, may Philippians 1:21 ring true: "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."


Heavenly Father,

 We bow before You, King of the universe, Lord of all. You fashioned the universe just by speaking through your Word, and You still hold the world in Your hands today. And yet, You are "Abba, Father." You have numbered the hairs on our head. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and You have loved us and planned out our redemption from the beginning of time for Your glory's sake. You have set us apart for salvation, for sanctification and, one day, for glorification. You are trustworthy and true, and your Word will never fail. Are you not enough for us? You are enough and more.


Lord, grant us a right perspective before your throne. May we not stop looking forward to Your Kingdom come—on Earth as it is in Heaven. May we not stop longing for the day when we can see You face to face; when all will be made right, all will be made new, and we will bow and worship before your very presence in the New Jerusalem. There will be no more need for a sun, because You Yourself will be our light. May we continue to eagerly anticipate the day where, as One Body, we will be gathered before You and we will be Your people and You will be our God forever... and darkness is no more. Keep our hearts, minds, and eyes fixed on You, O Lord, and may our lives reflect Your goodness and the joy we have in You. King Jesus, may You take Your rightful place as King in our hearts.



Shelter in Peace,

Crystina Zhang

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