May 21: Reminders of Joy

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“Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice!”

Philippians 4:4

Joy—the emotional state of gladness, comfort, and satisfaction. For followers of Christ, rejoicing is a biblical imperative.

From where we’re standing in this pandemic, how are we to rejoice as uncertainties, grave losses, failures, even death surround us? It is worthwhile to note that the Apostle Paul himself was in prison when he penned the command, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice.” The key phrase is IN THE LORD… not for the evils that surround nor in the abundance that prevail. This is an enduring joy, a “rejoicing always” that is not subject to the variables of life. This can only happen when the source and object of our joy is not any earthly circumstance, possession, even relationship that can, and will, come and go. Rather, our rejoicing needs to be in God Himself “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17b). 

The Holy Spirit who indwells us produces the everlasting fruit of joy in our lives. Our pleasant experiences are transient, and so is our ability to “put on a happy face.” The Holy Spirit transforms our minds to find our joy IN THE LORD, no matter the circumstance. 

How must I rejoice in the Lord always in the day-to-day? By yielding to the Holy Spirit as He reveals and brings to remembrance the Lord’s beauty in His Word, in His creation, and in the people that He allows to touch my life.

As I ponder truth and take comfort in the promises in God’s word, I rejoice IN THE LORD for His faithfulness and goodness. As I behold the grandeur of a bright full moon rising over a hill in the evening sky, or breathe in the fragrance of roses and orange blossoms on a spring morning walk, I rejoice IN THE LORD for His creation’s wonders and delights, being reminded that He is infinitely more wonderful and delightful. As my heart warms at the tender touch of a newborn baby, and aches to hug loved ones who live far away, I rejoice IN THE LORD that His death and resurrection has secured for us a closeness that transcends physical distance and look forward to many future joyful reunions. 

Let us resolve together to REJOICE IN THE LORD no matter what each day brings, “…for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18b).


Lord, we choose to rejoice in you

in this strange season of confinement, limitations, and uncertainties.

Thank you for opening the eyes of our hearts

to see reminders of your love, sovereignty, faithfulness, provision, and power.

We rejoice in you, Lord,

for your mercies that are new every morning

and for what you are accomplishing in our lives in the midst of this trial

for our ultimate good and for your glory.



“May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace in believing,

so that by the power of the Holy Spirit

you may abound in hope”

Romans 15:13.


Shelter in Peace,

Imelda Dodgen

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