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My name is Ingrid Register. I am 61 years old, have been a member of VBC for 28 years, and became a Christian in college at the age of 18. I have had a burden for the unsaved since then, and yet, when I hear the word evangelism, or sharing the gospel, I freeze up. I am no Billy Graham. I am not even a Sharon Collard or Imelda Dodgen who can remember Scripture verses at the flip of a coin.

Thus, when I was asked to share today, like Moses, I immediately said, “Ask someone else, someone who is good at sharing the gospel.” However, I calmed down and came to my senses. Instead of thinking about Moses, I thought of Jesus and turned to God’s Word, namely the Gospels.

In the Gospels, I kept seeing the words, the crowds “came”, they “followed”, they “saw”. Why did the people come to Jesus? And what did they see when they came? They saw a man who listened. Who was compassionate. Who did not preach, but encouraged. He gave hope, not lectures, and he practically cared for the immediate needs. 

Right now, during this very difficult time in our history, where there is so much conflict, unrest and so many needs, to be someone’s friend, like Jesus was, is a way we can share the gospel or spread the good news (which the word “gospel” means). 

Before I speak the words of Jesus, I need to be Jesus. I have a dear friend who was a member of VBC for years, and she served in MOPS and a myriad of other ministries. Unfortunately when her husband died of Alzheimer’s several years ago, many of her VBC friends stopped reaching out to her. She was very lonely, and at that same time, some Jehovah’s Witness women appeared at her door and befriended her in practical ways—ways she longed for. As you can guess, she left VBC and became a Jehovah’s Witness, going where her needs were being met. 

My friend now has dementia, and about a year ago, she realized she could not live alone, so who came to help—a JW woman. This JW woman now lives with my friend. When I met my friend’s housemate, once a Christian herself, she was very cold toward me. She did not trust me and wanted nothing to do with me. However during Covid, as I have weekly called them, brought them food, and befriended them in very practical ways—the ways they needed—my friend’s housemate has opened her heart toward me. To the best of my ability, I am being Jesus to her. In God’s timing, I believe I will be able to speak the Words of Jesus to her. For now, I am content to be Jesus instead of Speaking Jesus.  

During this time of Shelter-in-Place, I often think of the words from Micah 6:8. 

What does the Lord require of you, 
but to act justly, 
love mercy, and 
walk humbly before our God. 

I believe when we get outside our boxes, make the phone calls, encourage our neighbors, bring the meals, or whatever it looks like to you in your world—just like the people came to Jesus, they will come to us. They will come because they see. When they see us be Jesus, in His time with the Holy Spirit’s enabling, He will have us speak the Words of Jesus/the gospel to that hurting friend, the gal in the grocery store, etc.

Bless you all, as you let your light shine for HIM!

Anchored in Peace,

Ingrid Register

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